Water meter is an important measuring instrument relatedto people's livelihood. In recent years, urban construction has developedrapidly, but the development of the water meter industry is relatively slow.With the development of microelectronics technology and information technology,the development of intelligent water meter technology has entered the fasttrack, and all kinds of new technologies emerge one after another.
At present, there are more than 600 water metermanufacturers in China. Although the downstream customers including water plantand real estate companies are very scattered, the competition is stillrelatively fierce. The camera direct reading remote transmission water meterproduct was first developed by Beijing Beibao Electric Appliance Co. in 2008.Due to the immature technology of image transmission and digital decoding, theproduct was not popularized and promoted. The second generation of cameradirect reading remote transmission water meter, developed by Guangdong Huaxuand other companies in 2011, better solved the technical problems such as imageprocessing, image transmission and decoding transmission, and made thetechnology breakthrough. At present, the product has been put into small batchproduction and installed in Beijing and other cities. The large area promotionstill needs to be tested in the test of application time and number ofapplications.
Althoughthe direct reading water meter and its meter reading system have appeared inthe market, problems such as slow meter reading speed, easy to misread, andaffected by environmental light still exist.Objectof inventionThe purpose of the new utility invention shown in thefigure is to solve the above technical problems, to provide a fast andhigh-precision photovoltaic direct reading intelligent water meter system, toovercome the common complex structure of the existing remote direct readingwater meter, easy to external light interference, mutual interference betweenadjacent transmission tubes, bus meter reading system prone to failure, slowmeter reading speed, etc.
In order to achieve the above invention, the newutility invention provides the following technical scheme: a fast andhigh-precision photoelectric direct-read intelligent water meter system. Mainlycomposed of multiple terminal water meters, meter-reading concentrators andmeter-reading management systems, the terminal water meter comprises a microcontroller and multiple mechanicalspool units, each word wheel unit comprises a mechanical word wheel andMultiple sets of optical emission receiving tubes, each set of optical emissionreceiving tubes and receiving tubes between the use of a unique orthogonal codesequence CDMA signal communication connection, orthogonal code sequence CDMAsignal each code also uses Manchester code to make it jump, The microcontrollerdrives each set of optical emission receiving tubes to send a signal to thereceiving tube.Inthe above technical scheme, the mechanical spool adopts a transmittance codedisc, which is comprises of a disc body and a plurality of light transmittingholes along both sides of the disc. Each group of luminous receiving tubes arelocated on both sides of the disc and projected at a circular position. Eachwheel unit consists of 5 sets of optical emission receiving tubes, 5 sets oflight emission receiving tubes are set in turn in the direction of semicircle,and 180 degrees are formed between the adjacent sides of the two transmitterslocated at the end of the semicircle direction Angle, the two transmitterslocated at the end of the semicircle direction and the adjacent two sides ofthe adjacent two transmission tubes to form a 36-degree angle, the remainingthree emission tubes between the adjacent two sides to form a 36 degree angle,The five receiving tubes of the 5 sets of optical emission receiving tubes areset in turn in the direction of the semicircle, and a 180-degree angle isformed between the adjacent sides of the two receiving tubes at the end of thesemicircle direction, a 36-degree angle is formed between the two receivingtubes at the end of the semicircle direction and the adjacent sides of the tworeceiving tubes adjacent to each other, and a 36-degree angle is formed betweenthe adjacent sides of the other three receiving tubes.
The meter reading concentrator and aplurality of terminal water meters supply power through M-BUS buscommunication, and connected through GPRS or Ethernet communication connectedto the Internet. At the same time, the combination of meter readingconcentrator polling and terminal water meter autonomous communication isadopted. The meter reading concentrator sets the communication sequence of eachterminal water meter. When the latter terminal water meter detects that thecommunication of the previous terminal water meter is completed, the latterterminal water meter immediately sends the collected information. When themeter reading concentrator finds the communication data error of individualterminal water meters, The M_ Bus communication is also connected with a DC/DCchopper by using the separate calling communication mode.
Each terminal water meter is correspondinglyprovided with a unique QR code. The fast and high-precision photoelectricdirect reading intelligent water meter system also includes a hand-held meterreader. The hand-held meter reader and the terminal water meter identify eachother through the QR code and communicate with the meter reading concentrator.The handheld meter reader is a smart phone or a special terminal device, andthe smart phone or the special terminal device is installed with a set app. Thesingle chip microcomputer is a microprocessor with a solidification programwith the functions of prepayment, subsection measurement and subsectionpricing.
Compared with theprior art, the utility model has the following advantages: instead oftransmitting simple light and no light pulse signals, the transmission signalof each transmitter tube transmits a selected orthogonal code sequence, andeach code uses Manchester coding to ensure that each code has jumps andeliminate the influence of environmental factors; while different transmittersuse different orthogonal code sequences to eliminate adjacent dry codes.Disturbance; solve the problems of adjacent interference between tubes causedby different transmitters and receivers and interference of transmitted lightfrom outside environment to reading which are difficult to solve in low-costway at present; develop special communication protocol combining polling andself-sending on the basis of improving bus drive and communication speed, whichgreatly reduces the waiting time of polling in meter reading, thus reducing thewaiting time of polling. IN the utility model, the reading speed is reduced toabout 40ms; the static power consumption of the meter reading concentrator is5W; Static work of water meter terminal 4mA; when the meter readingconcentrator fails, image recognition technology and two-dimensional codetechnology are used to realize meter reading when the water meter is poweredoff. By using the characteristics of QR code, the water meter can be uniquelyidentified and the QR code can be easily located, the difficult problem ofpositioning the water meter digits is solved, and the low-cost image-basedmeter reading is realized by using the camera of smart phone; by setting theprepaid module and sectional metering, The module and the sectional pricingmodule make the water meter system have the functions of prepayment, sectionalmetering and sectional pricing; the water quantity of the step is set at leastthree levels to meet the requirements of implementing the step water price inChina.